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A nice Cup Holder Mount for the RFinder Handhelds

  • Adjustable Base
  • The Height can be adjusted
  • Will work with any Ham HT or Speaker Mic with a belt clip

This Cup Holder Mount height can be adjusted from 6 1/2″ to 8″ from the top of the adjustable base. The base can be expanded from 2 1/4″ to 3 3/4″ in diameter by turning the expansion knob. This package includes a EXPP-2 Deluxe HT holder. You will find less movement from your HT plus a silicone pad to protec it. This mount will work with any HT or Speaker mic as long as they have belt clips.

You can order it here.

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Introducing the Official Release of RFinder 11

RF11 brings DMRoIP to the B1+, B14, and P10. Additionally, DMRoIP NetRoam (a specialized feature that allows your device to roam from network to network while using DMRoIP) is included in this release for the B1, B1+, B14, P2, and P10 devices.
The update was pushed to the PlayStore this afternoon and will begin appearing on your RFinder devices as an app update within the next 24 hours.
Happy Holidays to everyone from the RFinder Development Team!
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RFinder DMRoIP

We are happy to announce that RFinder finally released DMRoIP. The RFinder B1+ is now fully capable of DMRoIP, which means that even without a DMR repeater, you will still be able to connect to your favorite DMR network using the cellphone network. A hotspot is no longer necessary.

An important update was released for RFinder 10 that adds additional stabilty to DMRoIP. Please visit the Play Store and update to RFinder 10 (v10.21.355).

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Configure RFinder with Cricket Wireless

  1. Put in SIM…reboot
  2. Settings-SIM Cards…Turn on SIM if not on already…it will show AT&T…turn on Cellular Data and SMS Messages on the same page.
  3. Go back one level and click Data usage…Choose the AT&T Tab and turn on Cellular Data…go back one level
  4. Click More-Cellular Networks-Access Point Names…click the plus at the top to create a new APN…enter the following settings below…Menu-Save on the APN page to get it to save…
  • Name: Internet
  • APN: ndo
  • MMSC:
  • MMS Proxy:
  • Multimedia Message Port: 80
  • MCC: 310
  • MNC: 150
  • APN type: default,mms,fota,hipri,supl
  • APN protocol: IPv4
  • APN roaming protocol: IPv4
  • Turn APN on/off: ON
5. you will have to turn off wifi to see if you get a 3G(3g) or 4G(4G) at the top…it has to show the second xG as a superscript if you are working…
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RFinder B1 to the Rescue

Given my RFinder B1 – I often find myself as the main rescue tech who is working comms. This is due to this radios ability to work on any comms mechanism (cellular / DMR / VHF / UHF or DMRoIP) – as such I have the means to always be able to find a way to radio to command.
This photo was for a rescue mission at 5k feet in eastern Oregon. Air temp: 20 degrees Fahrenheit, and Windy… notice my antenna bending. The only way up this scree-hill was a steep, slow, brutal climb from 1k feet. No repeaters in range, all comms were Simplex only. However, at one point I did need to ride the cellular signal and use DMRoiP… as we were too far over a ridge in a “shadow” for SIMPLEX DMR from the base station… but I could just barely hit a cell tower and get strong enough LTE to bond to Brandmeister DMR!
Well done RFinder team. This is a great tool.